Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm in Spain?

That's what you might have thought last night as locals celebrated Spain's EuroCup (soccer) win over Germany. Despite the fact that Strasbourg has a big German community, apparently the locals are thrilled that Spain won -- they honked horns, shouted and sang for about 2 hours last night -- though I think I drifted off about 12:30 am.

After the luxury of my hotel in Reims, my hotel here is like a dorm room -- and the staff seem completely confused by me in every way -- even though I know I'm using the proper phrases. Hmmmm... They seem to assume I am German (or from Mars). The guy sitting next to me thinks I am a CIA agent -- even though I told him I'm not. And when I speak French he mumbles oddly.

My bigger concern today is driving. I pick up the car in a few hours and I'm a bit nervous -- or a lot. Please send up a prayer for me and the rest of France that everything goes okay.

Strasbourg has been a little strange this time around -- but I'm celebrating small victories like figuring out how to open the window, turn on the shower, and find the apostrophe key on this keyboard. '''''''' ;)


Mom said...

I'm sending good kar-ma your way regarding the driving just as you so often have done for me! Luv ya, Mom

Stacey said...

So glad you are having such a good time! You don't need any luck for driving, you will do great (just don't veer too far trying to check out the hotties in the rearview mirrors!)