Monday, June 23, 2008

Let's wave as we pass each other...

I leave tomorrow!

It's very exciting!

I'm still a little nervous about the driving, but I made it through two driving lessons and my first solo drive without crying. (Woot!). I have, however, told Christian to alert the rest of France that I'm going to be on the road, so watch out! I also heard back from Niels, our fantastic host at L'Orangerie, whom I'll get to visit with when I'm at Germolles. It will be really fun to see him and David again -- they are the definition of lovely people. Niels serves a breakfast that makes a non-breakfast person like me think that maybe breakfast IS the most important meal of the day.

My thanks to Rhonda and Kim for helping me learn to drive -- especially Rhonda, who handled the first part of "Amy grinds gears and burns rubber" like the most fantastic person you ever met. Heart you, lady!

Deb is coming back from Kansas which she reports is "very flat with no trees". Stacey returns home from Alaska tomorrow where she's been having a whole bunch of fun. I'll be taking off so we've decided to wave to each other out the plane window.

Look up tomorrow -- I'll be waving.

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