Monday, July 7, 2008

Time Warp

Being in a place where multiple centuries collide at every corner can put you in a bit of a time warp. I realized I'd completely missed the fourth of July (though I posted that day). We are a day ahead here, but most times I'm not really sure what day it is.

Pretty much everyone and everything is friendly at Germolles, from the fish in the moat, to the chickens and quail in the farm yard, to the butterfly that fanned my back the other day or the bat that came in to see my bedroom last night. It was a very polite bat, kindly asked to be let out, and then fluttered around while I opened the enoromous windows.

There is always something to do here, another reason to lose track of days. Hard to believe it has been a week already. Dinners are late here -- very late -- and it was nearly 1 am by the time I climbed the spiral staircase to my room. Christian is quite a ham -- and his "chou croute lady" is a continual source of amusement. It is easy to see why he and Matthieu love Germolles. It's the kind of place where you could be very happy -- maybe forever.

(not to worry though... I'm still coming home).

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