Saturday, July 28, 2007

Paris Photos

Hello the few, the very few, who still check this blog, (hi, mom!)

After the rest of the TravelGals returned to the States, I stayed on in France for another week of travel with my husband. We returned this week and now we have that interminable pile of travel laundry to do and jetlag to conquer. We're still waking up at 4:30 in the morning. Oh dear.

Anyhow, I'm slowly uploading my pictures from the trip to Flickr. You can see my TravelGals-Paris pictures here.

My favorite things about our time in Paris were the gardens of Versailles, the Orangerie and Orsay Museums, the Rodin sculpture garden, and the amazing dinner Amy and I had at Camille one night. My least favorite things were my poor tired feet and the five flights of stairs to our hotel room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
You are right, mom did check this out. Thanks for having something new here.