Thursday, August 20, 2009

The French Revelation

Though I didn't expect the garden would be in the same condition as when I left it last year, I did expect that the perennials I planted would return in some state. It was a surprise and disappointment to find only two -- yes, two! I could not understand why. Then, a few days later the mystery was solved when I was talking to Christian about it.

Did you follow the instructions I sent? I asked.

- No.

I see.

- Perhaps we should follow them this time?

Yes, because you asked for them. And you should listen to me since I do know something about gardening.

- Yes, in fact, I think that you do.

Did you at least water them?

- That was Matthieu's job and he didn't do it.


So, a bit later I am speaking to Matthieu:

Matthieu, the reason the flowers did not return is because you didn't water them.

- Ahhhh -- you must water them?

Yes, I said so in my instructions.

- Even when it is raining, you must water them?

No, not then, but when it does not rain, you must.

- I see. Okay, we will do that.

I think that would be a good idea.

THE FRENCH REVELATION -- if you water them, they will grow!

Sometimes, it's not much different than teaching junior high (lol).

So -- off to Jardinland we went for more plants -- this time buying some that were even more indestructible (let's hope). And after some archaeological weeding, I found some of the plants which had made a valiant effort to survive long enough to be rescued by me. A tiny balloon flower popped up as if to say, "I'm here! I'm here! Amy, I'm not lost -- just very thirsty! And by the way, please give those naughty Frenchmen a stern talking to!"

In the meantime, it is hot and humid here -- which puts a bit of a kink in productivity as you are a melting, sweaty pile of goo within 20 minutes or less. I made a shadow puppet show to entertain us in the hot evening and distract us from the mosquitos (which have bitten me so badly that I think I'm down at least a quart). If I can, I'll film it and post it later. As it turns out, Matthieu has a collection of about 50 Indonesian shadow puppets which he has promised to show me. Very cool -- especially after taking that course on shadow theater a few weeks ago.

All for now -- blogging is a bit hard on a French keyboard. Hope you are all well.


1 comment:

Krista said...

We are all fab - love the stories. K and the boy-men